What are job classifications? Why are they important? And what can they do for a CSR professional?
Well those are important questions! And hopefully we answer your curiosities here!
We have created the first ever job classifications for the CSR and sustainability profession. And why you may ask.? Because they are important in determining how you and your position measure up within your company and between companies.
Job classifications are the specific criteria, the check list if you will, by which your superiors and company can evaluate your worth and the value of your position. This specific criteria not only gives you a better understanding of the ‘check boxes’ necessary for your position, it is also used during job evaluations and job grading.
Job grading is important because it is the system through which your salary and budget is determined! Ever wonder why you are paid what you are paid and someone else something else? Well that determination is made through this system of job grading. Each company has its own system of job grading, but by starting an unbiased universal job classification for the CSR professional we are capable of comparing jobs not only within companies but across companies as well.
These comparisons can help you identify where you can improve, why you have a certain salary, and budget.
So you see- Job Classifications are the beginning and an essential part of the puzzle to being valued properly for your position.
Do you want to learn about the job classifications we have created for the CSR professional? Please contact us via the contact page.