The Stimulator and Connector
The sustainability professional is an ambassador for the field of sustainability. His or her personal ideals and ways of working are based on sustainability principles. In that way he or she motivates, stimulates, inspires and activates others to integrate sustainability objectives into their roles. The sustainability manager builds bridges between the outside and the inside. He or she connects things in ways to speed up more sustainable business practices. The sustainability manager usually achieves this without formal authority on the tasks of others, so he or she has to generate support for change towards a more sustainable organization in different ways.
Generating support is crucial for the sustainability manager’s success. Sustainable business is all about changing people and their behaviors. One of the key questions raised by sustainability managers is “How do I create support for sustainability with employees and the board?” A double-edged challenge, as to generate support from employees, senior management commitment is crucial. The chapter in the book about stimulator and connector role addresses this question through tips and insights.