Job classifications differ from job descriptions, your role and competencies. Job classifications are the criteria by which you as an employee are graded to determine what value you have for the company in your position. They are essential to both employee and employer as they stand for a position through which value can be measured. We have created 4 levels of job classifications for CSR/ Sustainability Managers in hope of standardizing the criteria necessary for each level of CSR / Sustainability professional.
Job classifications differ from job descriptions, competencies, and roles because this is a system for objectively and accurately defining and evaluating the duties, responsibilities, tasks, and authority level of a job. In many organizations the results of a formal job classification is used in job grading and job evaluations to determine what salary a given position deserves.
With our work on job classification for CSR managers and professionals and the results of the State of the Sustainability Survey we hope to give you insight into the different job titles, job levels within the organization hierarchy, and salary ranges.
As a first step, we created job classifications for four different levels of positions within the CSR and Sustainability profession by using the (open) Hay Method. These job classifications will help you to get more insights into the position you have within your company: the duties, responsibilities, tasks, and authority level of a job.
If you would like to learn more about what the specific job classifications are for CSR and sustainability professionals, contact us or join The State of the Sustainability Profession Event 2019.